Kitchen sink

This is an overview of all the blocks and components in the customized theme for WindJammer website.

Note! When viewing the Kitchen Sink during development phase, make sure to clear your browser’s cache so latest styles are loaded! 🎉


Heading 1

This is a sample paragraph under Heading 1.

Heading 2

This is a sample paragraph under Heading 2.

Heading 3

This is a sample paragraph under Heading 3.

Heading 4

This is a sample paragraph under Heading 4.

Heading 5

This is a sample paragraph under Heading 5.

Heading 6

This is a sample paragraph under Heading 6.


Buttons come in three different styles, fill (default), outline and link. Each one has a complimentary option for an anchor icon.

Learn more about WordPress

WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS) that has evolved from its origins as a blogging platform in 2003 into a versatile and widely-used platform for website development. Its open-source nature fosters a vibrant community of developers, continually enhancing and expanding its capabilities.

With a user-friendly interface, WordPress empowers users of all technical levels to build and manage websites efficiently. Content creation, publishing, and site management are streamlined processes, allowing users to concentrate on their content without getting bogged down by technical complexities.

WordPress 6.1.1 splash screen

Themes play a crucial role in WordPress, offering users the ability to change the look and feel of their websites easily. Whether for blogs, business sites, or e-commerce, a vast array of themes is available, providing flexibility and customization options to suit diverse needs.

  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Customization Options
  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • SEO-Friendly
    • Responsive Design
      • Fast Performance
      • Reliable Hosting
  • Multilingual Support
  • Media Management
  • Built-in Blogging
  • Robust Security Features
  • Regular Updates
  1. User-Friendly Interface
  2. Customization Options
  3. Content Management System (CMS)
  4. SEO-Friendly
  5. Responsive Design
  6. Multilingual Support
  7. Media Management
  8. Built-in Blogging
  9. Robust Security Features
  10. Regular Updates

WordPress’s plugin architecture allows users to extend its functionality further. With thousands of plugins available, users can add features such as SEO optimization, e-commerce capabilities, and social media integration, enhancing the overall performance and functionality of their websites.

Overall, WordPress continues to be a dominant force in the world of website creation and management, providing a powerful and accessible platform for individuals, businesses, and organizations globally.


Technology is best when it brings people together.

Matt Mullenweg


“Vi har som utgangspunkt at alle oppfører seg så bra de klarer, og at ingen ønsker det motsatte. All atferd har en bakenforliggende årsak og ingen er bare det du ser!”

Astrid Hjertevarm

“Fantastisk visdom pakket inn i få ord! Har gitt oss et verdifullt verktøy for å se utover overflaten og forstå atferden til andre. En dyptgripende innsikt som har beriket mitt liv!”

Lars Visdomsblomst

Let’s stay silent!

Alexandros Nielsen

T2 Simple Media Text

Lyst til å bli lettmatros?

Fikk du smaken på sjølivet da du var med på Windjammer Livsmestring?

Lyst til å bli lettmatros?

Fikk du smaken på sjølivet da du var med på Windjammer Livsmestring?

T2 Accordion

Use columns block to create more complex layouts:

T2 Factbox


Helen’s warm leadership has built a strong and respected Charity Commission, and her clear minded approach and deep understanding of the sector has ably steered the Commission through successive challenges and headwinds. She is respected and trusted by our team and has led an organisation that truly reflects its values: being rigorous in our scrutiny but balanced in our support.

Helen’s warm leadership has built a strong and respected Charity Commission, and her clear minded approach and deep understanding of the sector has ably steered the Commission through successive challenges and headwinds. She is respected and trusted by our team and has led an organisation that truly reflects its values: being rigorous in our scrutiny but balanced in our support.


Helen’s warm leadership has built a strong and respected Charity Commission, and her clear minded approach and deep understanding of the sector has ably steered the Commission through successive challenges and headwinds. She is respected and trusted by our team and has led an organisation that truly reflects its values: being rigorous in our scrutiny but balanced in our support.

Helen’s warm leadership has built a strong and respected Charity Commission, and her clear minded approach and deep understanding of the sector has ably steered the Commission through successive challenges and headwinds. She is respected and trusted by our team and has led an organisation that truly reflects its values: being rigorous in our scrutiny but balanced in our support.

T2 Selling Points


Varighet 4 måneder
Styrt praksis ombord (ca 1.000 timer)
Eksterne kurs (ca 70 timer)


14. august – 20. desember 2023
(du må regne med noen møter før oppstart)


Kr 76.000,–
(Windjammer kan bistå med å søke finansiering via NAV)

T2 Statistics

Seilaser i året med 48 deltakere per tokt
Av de som mønstrer på et 
tokt fullfører reisen
Deltakere har fullført programmet 
siden oppstarten

T2 Logo Showcase

Here we have the T2 cards. We can pick any post type card as shown below. We get started with an article (post):

And a person card…



Add multiple people, using the Featured Content Layout block: